Page options

You can reach the page options panel by clicking the  button of the bar.
Title and options

Title and options

Menu title
Is the text that will be shown in the menu entry for that page

Page title
Is the text that will be shown at the top of the page (it can differ from the menu entry to allow shorter menu entries)

Page state
A page can have 3 visibility states:
Online: page is public and visible in the menu
Online hidden: page is accessible from the below indicated address but the menu link to it is not visible. To add a link to this page check out the Links section of this help
Offline: the page is not accessible to users

Page options
Highlighted page: modifies the menu entry for this page, highlighting it.
Left column not shown: (only for the "Pop", "Fusion" and "Classic" styles) Allows you to remove the left column where the menu entries are shown, giving you more space for the page content.


The page description isn't shown on the page itself but is used when referring to that page.

For example, in the home page, if the page is a main section, on the pass of the mouse over the menu entry the page description text will be shown in the lower left.



The page image isn't shown on the page itself, but it is used in the Home Page or in the header, if scheduled by the options you've selected.

You can crop the currently selected image by clicking on it.

Image gallery

From this label you can add the photos of an images folder to the bottom of the current page. Every image will be inserted into a new block with the settings you can decide below. Al massimo possono essere inserite 30 immagini in ciascuna pagina.

For every image you just need to select:
  • the image folder to take the photos from
  • highlight options (yes/no)
  • block width
  • wheter to show the image title as the block title

Once you've set your preferences, click on "Add folder images"

Page structure and menu

Page structure and menu

Option available only for "Dixieland" and "Techno" themes.

Here you can choose one among the 5 available styles for every page of your site.
Every style matches a combination of the following elements:

  • page width
  • menu
  • highlighted blocks

Page menu

With the Dixieland and Techno themes, the menu positions itself vertically on the left of the page and you can decide whether to keep it open or to hide it, depending on the style of the page structure you've chosen. When it's hidden, the menu is compact bu you just have to pass over it with the mouse to make the entries expand.

Image gallery

From this label you can add the photos of an images folder to the bottom of the current page. Every image will be inserted into a new block with the settings you can decide below. Al massimo possono essere inserite 30 immagini in ciascuna pagina.

For every image you just need to select:
  • the image folder to take the photos from
  • highlight options (yes/no)
  • block width
  • wheter to show the image title as the block title

Once you've set your preferences, click on "Add folder images"
Search engines

Search engines

Keywords are used by search engines to retrieve information on the contents of a page. These words will be inserted in the html code and will not be directly visible to the viewers of the site.

Same for keywords, a field used by search engines, inserted in the html code and not visible to the viewers of the site.

Engines text
Within this field, write a text (a few lines long) that synthesizes thoroughly the content of the page / site / home page. The content of this field will be only shown as an alternative to the flash sections for browsers that can't execute javascript and flash code.